Round the World Magazine

4 Quick Ways To Self Care

Having these quick ways to self care is something most of us can be inspired from, especially those with a busy lifestyle.
Maybe you’ve experienced a difficult few weeks or months, or maybe things aren’t going to plan right now.

Perhaps you’ve just come out of the other side of a painful, emotional upheaval and you’re feeling a little worse for wear. We can all benefit from taking better care of ourselves, and if you’re feeling incredibly delicate right now, you must take some time to look inward, reflect and put yourself first.

Excessive stress can lead to all kinds of health problems, therefore prioritizing yourself with some simple acts of self-care is self-preservation in its most basic form. You might already take regular breaks from social media, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep – but are you doing enough of it?
Here we’re going to explore some wonderful ways to self care with love; with some simple habits, you should include in your everyday routine.

Image Credit: Pixabay

1) Exercise

Many of us lead sedentary lifestyles, whether it’s due to our current roles in the workplace, or because we lack the motivation to move our bodies, an inactive lifestyle is bad news for our physical and our mental wellbeing. Taking care of yourself can be as easy as getting up off the sofa or including a 30-minute workout during our lunch breaks. Investing in some home gym equipment – you can buy a 16kg kettlebell to get started. Such exercises can help us move our bodies, get the blood pumping and increase our strength, endurance and cardiovascular health. Exercise is also great for beating stress and promotes a sense of accomplishment thanks to all those endorphins.

2) Meditation

Looking inward and quieting your mind – even for a few precious minutes each day – is a simple and effective way to relieve stress and take better care of yourself. Meditation is easy to weave into your everyday life. It allows you to enjoy a moment of silence and reflection, focus on your breathing, feel thankful and express gratitude, or feel nothing at all. There are online videos you can engage with to help you relax, as well as apps, soothing music or just sitting somewhere quiet will also help. Solfeggio frequencies are a great way to relax the mind, especially at night.

Image Credit: Pixabay

3) Get Outdoors

Did you know that spending as little as 20 minutes outdoors each day is enough to lower your blood pressure and your heart rate? Many of us spend excessive time indoors which is why heading outdoors is so good for our mental and physical well-being. Fresh air, bird song and vitamin D will make you feel calm, and improve your mood. You can head somewhere wild and rugged to spark some positivity and creativity or visit your local park or areas of greenery and breathe it all in.

4) Cut Back on Your Clutter

Clutter is stressful and it diminishes our quality of life. Cluttering our rooms, hallways, and minds, excessive junk can be difficult to get rid of, but having a clear-out is a form of self-care and therapy that helps you let go of old feelings, defunct memories, and attachments. Start by cleaning one room at a time, and you’ll prefer a much simpler, clutter-free existence.

Final Thoughts on these 4 quick ways to self care…

Looking after yourself doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming, following these 4 simple quick ways to self care is a great way to get started, see where it leads you on your journey.

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