Round the World Magazine

Here’s What You Need To Know Before Traveling To Alaska

tips for alaska travels
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Alaska is home to some of the most epically breathtaking land and seascapes on the planet. A world full of rugged wilderness and wildlife, this most northern U.S. state has long been a destination for travelers with a sense of wonder and adventure.

Many people imagine Alaska to be an arctic wasteland that is covered in snow and ice all year round. But the truth is that although Alaska has a longer winter than other states, it wakes from the cold every year into a stunning summer landscape. Flowers, yellow birches and wild grasses greet you in the foothills leading to majestic snow-capped mountains.

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The largest boom in tourism is between May and September. The “shoulder” seasons in the late spring and early fall draw many visitors to enjoy the famous Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights.

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Alaska has so much to offer visitors on a larger than life scale. Stay in one of the modern cities or relax in the wilderness in style at lodges like Let’s take a look at what you will need to know before you start planning your trip to Alaska.

It’s Easy

Alaska is one of the farthest and most remote destinations in the world, but it’s still fairly easy to plan your travel there. Most large airlines have flights that go to Alaska but you will likely have at least one stop on your journey. Make sure to book early as there are limited flights available.

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You can also travel by car, RV, boat or train. The roads are isolated but paved and can make for an epic road trip. Or, join one of the many cruise lines and tour through Alaska’s coastal regions. You can schedule a “land trip” on your cruise if you want to see more of the interior sites.

Plan Ahead

With such a remote destination you will need to plan your trip well in advance. With limited resources available, you will need to secure all of your reservations several months ahead to make sure you have accommodations.

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If you are driving through Alaska it is important to plan out your route carefully. Gas stations are fewer and farther between and you can expect the gas prices to be a minimum of $0.30 cents higher than the national average.


The “shoulder seasons” in the late spring and early fall can be unpredictable when it comes to weather. On an average day, the temperature can vary between -20 degrees up to 40 degrees. It’s best to plan a wardrobe to accommodate both cold and warmer weather.

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Keep in mind, the extreme northern location of Alaska means that summer days last over 20 hours. The darkest part of your day will be between 3 am – 5 am and it really only gets as dark as the average twilight. You may want to bring a sleeping mask with you to help your body adjust at bedtime. In the winter, it is dark most hours of the day.


Visiting Alaska can be a stunning adventure. From summer days that never end to a bounty of beautiful scenery and wildlife, Alaska is one of the wild places left untouched in the world. Plan your travel in advance so that you won’t miss a thing.

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