Round the World Magazine

Know More About Your Car: Car Parts and Their Functions

Even the most basic vehicles are made of hundreds of separate, specialized parts. If there’s an issue with your vehicle, or if you’re simply looking for a way to learn more about your investment, review these common car parts and their functions.

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Radiator and Compressor

Two basic systems that keep your car cool while in operation are the radiator and compressor. A radiator is a heat exchange device designed to draw heat away from your engine and disperse it through a series of coolant-filled tubes.

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Your car’s air conditioner uses a powerful pump, called a compressor, to circulate cool air through the car’s interior. If there is an issue with the compressor, your conditioned air won’t be cool or comfortable. Ask a mechanic to inspect your compressor and air conditioning system.

Axles and Shock Absorbers

An axle is a long, straight cross member that holds your wheels in place and sends power to each of the wheels from the engine through the transmission. Axles can have inner and outer joints to keep your wheels flexible as you turn or navigate uneven ground. A damaged axle can prevent your wheels from operating.

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If you’ve ever hit a pothole or other uneven patch and remained comfortable, you can thank your shock absorbers. These hydraulic systems travel up and down to handle most of the shock of a sudden impact or bump. Shock absorbers not only keep you comfortable as you drive, but they are essential for protecting your vehicle from damage due to shock and impacts.

Battery and Alternator

One of the most common replacement car parts is a new battery. Depending on the type of battery you have, you may have to replace your battery every few years. A lead-acid car battery provides the electrical charge you need to activate your starter, headlights and other electronic devices.

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An alternator recharges your battery as you drive. When your engine is on, the alternator generates electricity from the mechanical energy and stores it in your car battery.

Transmission and Engine

Without an engine or transmission, your vehicle would be stationary. With proper oil changes and safe handling, these two components should outlast many other parts.

Any driving issue, clanking noise or difficulty accelerating can be a sign that you need an engine or transmission repair services.

Exhaust System

Your internal combustion engine puts off harmful gases that can affect your health and the environment. It also puts off a considerable amount of noise.

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Thankfully, a vehicle has an exhaust system that muffles the sound and converts harmful emissions. Any noise or emissions issues may be the result of a damaged muffler or catalytic converter.

Learn More Today

These are just the basic parts and functions of your vehicle. For more information about auto parts or to receive a checkup for your vehicle, stop by your local auto parts store today.

Shop online for great deals on replacement parts or visit a reliable website to learn more about each component in detail.

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