Round the World Magazine

CBD Dog Treats

CBD Dog Treats Pug

CBD is a great natural and non-toxic way to treat dogs for many things such as pain, inflammation and anxiety. There are many options available including tinctures, oils, topicals and even CBD Dog treats that are made especially for the canine’s taste buds. The chews and treats are growing steadily in popularity, but pet parents need to stick with trustworthy, reliable resources for where they buy the products, as the ingredients and quality vary significantly.


Cannabidiol’s potency can be affected when exposed to high temperatures in the baking process. Manufacturer’s that air-dry their products, which involves no cooking, or who add the oil after processing, offer a much better option than those that are baked.

CBD oils and tinctures are a more pure option, as they contain minimal added ingredients. These can be sprinkled over a favorite dog treat and left to absorb or they can be mixed in with wet dog food, to ensure the canine is receiving the full effect of the compound.


CBD Dog Treats

Innovative ideas are introduced onto the market each day in the CBD industry, particularly for the pet community, due to the purported symptom-resolving benefits of the compound.

Although topicals, oils and tinctures are an option for dogs, one of the most popular consumption methods for puppies are CBD treats because they are easier to administer. Some wonder if the cannabidiol degrades following the baking process. Claims suggest that the substance does break down when temperatures reach high levels.


However, if the treats are baked at a low temperature slowly, it’s less likely to affect the potency of the compound. If the manufacturer uses alternative methods such as ‘air-drying’ or allowing the oil to absorb after baking the treats, the substance retains its potency.

When investing in quality treats, you want to find out how the items were manufactured. What is equally as important, is learning if there has been any third-party lab-testing and what the results were. These should be posted on the company’s website and the ingredients contained in the products should also be displayed. For a trustworthy supplier, visit , they are proud of the method they use to make their CBD dog treats.

The first symptoms of anxiety hit me when I was 24, but until 35, I didn’t have an official diagnosis. GAD almost destroyed my life. I have had severe panic attacks and could hardly manage anxiety. Xanax changed my life for the better. The drug makes me calm, relieves anxiety, and I haven’t had severe attacks of panic recently.

Cannabidiol And Canines

The cannabis plant offers two strains including hemp and marijuana in which cannabidiol or CBD is a phytocannabinoid naturally occurring. CBD oil is extracted from either hemp or marijuana, but hemp is known to produce more and is deemed legal to cultivate.

The medicinal plant has been found to enhance mammals’ endocannabinoid systems (ECS). All mammals share a similar ECS, including the dog species. These systems have receptors throughout the brain and body, that play a large part in regulating hormones, movement, emotions, and immune function.

While there have only been a few clinical studies on the canine species, the results have shown phenomenal outcomes, and the CBD products have been deemed safe and nontoxic with minimal to no side effects.

The ECS controls a multitude of areas, which means CBD has the potential for many uses:

Stress/Anxiety: Phytocannabinoids play a significant part in stabilizing stress hormones and creating a balance for emotions, thus decreasing anxiety. Many anecdotal studies show success in using CBD in cases of separation anxiety or with a variety of phobias, along with nervousness and generalized anxieties.

Inflammation/Pain: Endocannabinoid receptors within the brain have a substantial role relating to sensation and pain. CBD offers excellent anti-inflammatory properties, with a recent study showing significant improvements in pain levels associated to arthritis, in dogs who used CBD dog treats.

Canines With Seizures: The receptors in the brain have proven beneficial when combined with CBD as a treatment in seizure control. A preliminary research trial from “Colorado State University” indicates reduced seizures of 90% for dogs with epilepsy who were on CBD.

Dogs With Cancer: Cannabis has been a long-standing option for fighting symptoms related to cancer treatments. Claims suggest that CBD has the potential to help slow down the growth of tumors and to kill cancer cells.



Each day new revelations are made concerning the effects of CBD and the canine species. These are merely a few benefits that CBD can have for the health and wellness of your dog. Pet parents have seen success in treating numerous symptoms related to behavioral and physical issues.

When checking labels and researching quality suppliers, it’s critical to note the THC level in whichever CBD forms you choose.

THC is the intoxicating element found in marijuana. CBD items are typically low with this component, however, for lower quality products there is never a guarantee of how much THC they contain, nor if there is any CBD.

THC is dangerous for pets making it necessary to only give animals CBD oils derived from hemp or those sourced from marijuana with 0 THC marked on the label.

Final Thought

It is very possible to buy treats containing very little CBD when the products are of lower quality. The ideal quantity suggested is 1 mg for every 10 pounds (4.54 kg) of the dog’s body weight.

Avoid investing in items with no labels as you don’t know what the manufacturer has put in and you don’t want to put any substances in your dog blindly. If the bag is not clear on ingredients particularly the levels of CBD and THC, move on.

If you have further questions or concerns regarding CBD for your dog, discuss it with your vet first.

** Please always consult a certified medical practitioner before using any supplement or lifestyle changes **

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