Round the World Magazine

Curing Insomnia With Comfortable Bedding

Did you know a quality linen duvet cover can potentially cure your insomnia? Well, neither did we. But recent studies from some giants like Home Goods and other reputable sites give us another direction to think upon.

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We dived head straight into the details of the bedding-insomnia studies and found out that most people can develop insomnia due to the wrong bedding. Upgrading to a new mattress designed to alleviate back pain alone can add up to 42-minutes of extra sleep!

In case all of this appears astounding, worry not. Below, we have discussed the topic in detail to provide you better insights. Read more!

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia refers to when the patient finds sleep challenging. The lack of sleep deprives insomniacs of a sense of refreshment and energy that a non-insomniac feels after waking up.

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Fundamentally, there are two types of insomnia;

· Acute or short-term insomnia
Acute insomnia is a result of extreme stress, pain, trauma, or change in sleeping routine. Jet lag and certain medications may also cause temporary insomnia.
· Chronic or long-term insomnia
Unlike acute, chronic insomnia lasts for a minimum of three months. It can occur due to severe psychological issues and medical conditions, such as arthritis and pain related conditions.

Symptoms of Insomnia

As mentioned, insomniac people find it quite difficult to sleep or fall asleep. Some other symptoms to determine whether an individual is an insomniac or not includes:

• Unrefreshing sleep (feelings of tiredness)
• Waking up early, regardless of the troubled sleep

Since these people cannot sleep adequately, they will experience fatigue and weakness. They are also moody and will get irritated quickly. As an insomniac, you may even find it challenging to focus on the tasks at hand.

How does Comfortable Bedding help?

Now the basics of insomnia have been discussed, it seems obvious that linen and bedding is a key factor to any good night’s sleep.

Image Credit: Pixabay

As insomnia is all about sleep difficulties, having a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere can help resolve it. And, one of the top factors contributing to this atmosphere is bedding.

When sleeping, an individual has direct contact with it. Hence, the bedding quality has an immediate impact on the sleep quality too.
A soft and heavily padded body will offer ease when trying to sink into a deep sleep.

Other Ways to Cure Insomnia

Treating insomnia is all about correcting your sleep routine and incorporating the element of comfort in it. Besides quality bedding, one can try the following methods to cure insomnia:

• Avoid usage of smartphones and technology on the bed as devices radiate harmful rays.
• Avoid consuming caffeinated drinks before bedtime. Caffeine causes the brain to become alert. Instead, try drinking something warm and sweet, such as a hot plant-based milk.

Hopefully, these methods will help cure insomnia and sleep better. Individuals having insomnia due to psychological reasons may require additional treatment first.

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