Round the World Magazine

9 Essentials to Pack in Carry-On Luggage

Are you preparing to take a trip shortly? Are you already starting to organize your packing list, and wondering what hand luggage essentials you will need? Not only do you need a list of items to pack, but it’s important to also get specific about where you pack them.

Your carry-on luggage is something that you will have with you throughout your transit, so there is likely a variety of essentials you’ll want at your fingertips. Here’s a look at 8 essentials that are worth packing in your carry-on luggage for your next trip.

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1- Have All Your Travel Documents Close at Hand

Your travel documents are probably the most important essential to pack in carry-on luggage. Not only will you need to show them when traveling, but you want to be sure they aren’t lost. Travel documents can include your passport, boarding pass or ticket, a travel visa, and a hotel booking confirmation. Because many of today’s travel documents and confirmation slips are digital, you may instead have most of this information available on your smartphone.

2- Your Portable Devices and Chargers

Speaking of your smartphone, this is another thing you’ll want on you at all times. Be sure it is fully charged and somewhere easily accessible in your carry-on luggage. Many carry-on bags have compartments and pockets to aid in organization, so you can dedicate one pocket to your smartphone and charger. If you plan on traveling with something larger as well such as a Chromebook, tablet or laptop, you will also want to pack it and the charger in your carry-on bag to keep it safe and secure. The same goes for your iPod. Along with the devices and chargers, be sure to also pack a pair of good-quality noise-canceling headphones so you can listen to music or stream content on your device without bothering others around you.

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3- All Important Medication Needed

It’s always smart to go into the packing experience with the worst-case scenario in mind. In this case, it would be that your checked luggage is lost. So, with that said, any important daily medication should go in your carry-on, not your checked bag. While not exactly medication, if you wear contact lenses, it’s smart to pack a travel-friendly sized bottle of rinsing/storage solution and a case, as well as your glasses. Again, it’s about expecting the unexpected, so if your luggage gets lost, you won’t be without the necessities.

4- Stay Hydrated with a Refillable Water Bottle

While it’s not possible to take a filled water bottle through the security checkpoints in an airport, you can pack a refillable water bottle that you fill after clearing the security checkpoints. There are different styles to choose from, including collapsible models that will take up little room in your carry-on bag. Planes are notorious for being extremely dry, so at least you know you’ll stay well hydrated.

5- Mints, Hard Candy and Gum

Be sure to also throw a few mints, hard candy, or gum in your bag. These will help to keep your breath fresh, your mouth hydrated, and can help to prevent your ears from becoming plugged upon take-off and landing.

6- Entertainment Options Outside Electronic Devices

While electronic devices are great, you may not want to spend all your time on them. For that reason, you can pack other options like:

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• Puzzle books (wordsearch, crossword, Sudoku)
• Books and magazines
• A journal
• A deck of cards
• Travel-sized board games (if traveling with others)
• Coloring book and pencil crayons

7- Travel Sized Perfume to Refresh Before Landing

If you are traveling a long distance, it’s only natural to want to refresh before you land. A great way to do that is by applying a favorite perfume. However, because you are limited by carry-on restrictions, you’ll need to pick a travel-sized or travel-friendly bottle. Perfume oils from luxury designer brand Byredo can be the perfect solution. Because they are oil-based, they are easy to apply; simply roll them on your pulse points. Byredoproducts use ingredients and notes that are clean and crisp and meant to act as a sensory experience. Visit an online retailer like Ssense to see the various options available.

8- A Change of Clothes May Be Wise

Finally, if you’ve got enough space in your carry-on bag, it can also be a good idea to pack a change of clothes. You just need the basics that will get you through 24 hours in your destination. If you’re in transit for a long time, you may want to change before your flight lands, or in the airport when you arrive. It’s also a backup plan should your checked bags get lost.

Along with a change of clothes should be a cardigan, zip-up hoodie, or sweater. It can be very chilly on the plane, so this is something you’ll be grateful to have packed.

9- A Travel Pillow

A travel pillow is one of the top hand luggage essentials to pack especially for longer flights. Although most airlines provide these, sometimes they may not so it’s always best to have your own. The ones that are provided by airlines may not always be comfortable so having your own provides that extra level of reassurance for a better rest on your flight. These top travel pillows detail the most appropriate pillow depending on specific individual needs.

By including all of these hand luggage essentials, you will be a well-prepared traveler who will be comfortable throughout the journey.

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