Round the World Magazine

Stress Migraine: Why some people have it and how to manage the pain

Migraine is a neurological disease that affects almost 50 million people in the US. Every day, there are approximately 1.5 million attacks, and contrary to popular belief, this is not only a headache – this pain is much worse. There are certain things in your life that you’d rather avoid.

Throbbing pain, pulsing sensation, which also comes with nausea, vomiting, and severe sensitivity to light or sounds, is undoubtedly one of such things. And it’s a perfect description of what people who suffer from migraine feel.

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When the disease strikes, it’s over. If you had a productive day at work, you could already forget about it. Were you planning to do something extraordinary in the evening? Better cancel your plans right now because this pain will cause you to lose your will to live. Sadly, it’s not easy to treat migraines. They often come in different forms, and attacks are never the same.

Unfortunately, not every migraine medication is working, and that’s why you should always be well prepared. In this article, you can learn more about the best migraine medication, what triggers this disease, and how you can manage and ease the pain.

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Types of migraine medications

Currently, we distinguish three types of remedies for migraine headaches. The very first of them are over-the-counter medications, for example, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen. At the moment, they are the most popular non-steroidal pharmaceuticals available, and whenever an attack comes, you should use them in the first place.

Hands down their biggest advantage are anti-inflammatory properties and low price. Although many sick people are using them, some scientists are undermining the effects of this type of meds. Remember, that migraine affects all of us differently, so if an over-the-counter medication works well for you, always have them at hand.

Prescription meds – they are much stronger than OTC’s, and in order to get them, you’ll need a prescription. There are a few subclasses of these drugs. The first one is triptans, and their primary purpose is to stop an attack. You can also get ergotamines – they are usually applied by people who don’t respond to triptans.

Keep in mind that people who suffer from heart diseases shouldn’t use any of the above. Prescription meds are much more useful than OTC; however, you’ll have to visit a doctor. If you don’t have time to do this, there’s a possibility to get them through online pharmacy services, for example, at Medicine Direct. Notice that you’ll still have to fill in a form, and undergo online consultations, in order to avoid buying medicine that could be hazardous for you.

Finally, there’s also natural medicine, and there are many various measures that rate into this category. It could be simple things, like getting enough sleep, often exercising, but also treatment options like acupuncture or using menthol and ice packs. Keep in mind that mixing multiple medications can be much more effective, but it’s better if you contact your doctor before doing that. You never know how your body will react when you mix drugs.

Avoiding Migraine Triggers

It’s possible to avoid migraine attacks. It’s not easy, though, and it won’t prevent all of them. In order to minimize the frequency of painful headaches, you’ll have to introduce some changes to your life. The critical aspect is the diet. Did you know that certain substances, for example, caffeine, tyramine, histamine, or nitrates, are inducing migraines? If possible, reduce the amount of coffee, tea, alcohol, bananas, and sweets, and then migraine attacks should be rarer.

But, hands down the most significant migraine trigger is the stress. So, start reducing the amount of stress as soon as possible. Of course, it’s easier said than done, but stress is one of the most common causes of migraine attacks. Should you avoid it, the overall quality of your life will improve.

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Try to come up with a routine that you’ll strictly follow. It’s not easy at the very beginning, but the more organized your life is, the less stress you will experience. Also, you may try relaxation techniques. Meditation and yoga are the most effective ones. If you haven’t done that in your life, now it’s the best time to do it.

Also, try to take people less seriously. The next time boss at work shouts at you, or somebody will tell you that homosexuality is a disease, just please, laugh at it, and simply ignore. Life can be overwhelming enough, and if you are going to be affected by other people’s bad moods or opinions, your migraine will be just more troublesome.

Start writing a migraine journal

If your migraine attacks are frequent, start writing your headache diary. Note down everything you believe may be important. Keeping a migraine journal is essential because of a few reasons.

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It not only helps to clear your mind but also allows you to determine what your migraine triggers are. If you do it for a more extended period of time, you’ll be able to observe all the potential changes and establish whether medication or treatment that you’re using is effective.

Migraine is a painful and unbearable disease. If your attacks are frequent, start writing a migraine diary, where you should note everything about the issue, how and when it began, and what you believe was the trigger. If you were able to determine what are migraine triggers for you, do everything to avoid them. It won’t prevent all the attacks, and you’ll still have to take your medication, but it will significantly reduce your suffering.

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