Round the World Magazine

6 Tips To Travel And Work Remotely

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen more people travel and work remotely than ever. For those looking to obtain a lifestyle of working remotely, the following tips from a remote work professional should help maintain a healthy work-life balance and stay productive.

Work and Travel Remotely
Image Credit: Pixabay

1- Figure Out Your Working Style

In order to make the most of your time, it is important to know when, where, and how you are most productive. Traveling might provide an appealing atmosphere, but it can easily turn into a distraction.

If you know that you are more productive indoors without the noise of others around you during the day, then choose to work then. If you are more of a night owl and prefer to work then and play in the day, no problem. There’s no right or wrong working environment, just the one that works for you. Once figured out, you’re all set to travel and work remotely but you may want to consider a few other things to keep you on track.

2- Reliable Internet Connection

Choosing to combine work and travel is not always a walk in the park, particularly when your most important tools are not easily accessible. Nowadays, internet connectivity is essential for any company-employed individual or freelancer. It’s the only way to ensure your work is done and submitted to your clients on time and efficiently.

With choosing the travel destination to work from, check whether there’s reliable Wi-Fi or internet connectivity. Many countries have numerous internet cafes and spots specifically designed for people who work remotely. Whether it’s the local library, a coffee shop, or a co-working space, the connection needs to be somewhat reliable and fast. Depending on the circumstance, purchasing a pre-paid reliable hotspot such as skyroam, could be an option to ascertain a decent internet connection.

Most of these may require an investment but it will be worth it to accommodate a stress-free work and travel lifestyle. When it comes to working remotely and traveling, stable internet connectivity is a prerequisite.

3- Buy Quality Travel Devices

Research the destination and know what travel adapters are required for the outlets. Most Asian countries have the same outlets design, and so do European outlets, with the exception of Great Britain. Be sure to carry at least one spare adapter and also invest in a good wireless charging powerbank.

To keep a healthy balance between work and travel, consider investing in quality earbuds or headphones. They not only reduce excess noise but enhance an entertainment experience so come in useful for work and personal time.

4- Communication Skills are Vital

Even though those who work and travel will be on the go most times, it is still imperative to stay in touch with managers and coworkers. Ensure to prepare for communication methods ahead of time to avoid general misunderstandings and technical mishaps once you get to your destination. Most organizations utilize conference calls and video chats to keep every staff member updated on relevant information related to work.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Some employers may want to be cautious and implement strict communication procedures or require you to make physical appearances a few times a year. If you are bound by such rules, it might affect your freedom to some extent and the frequency of enjoying scenic views. However, the best solution is to be flexible and available to the employer when required.

5- Have a Backup Plan

There may be days where you don’t have an internet connection, lose important work files, miss the taxi or one of your gadgets stops working. So, keep this in mind.

HR Director Charlene J. Robinson of Resumes Planet, suggests you even make a backup plan for your backup plan. When on the go, anything can go wrong, so, it’s imperative to have options in case of any mishaps.

Such experiences can be hard to swallow, but when you are ready for the worst, they don’t sting as much. If you can’t connect to the internet, have a paper a pen on the side to jot down pressing ideas and concerns to be prepared for the next work meeting. If you experience other technical issues, plan for an alternative way to chat such as Skype, email, WhatsApp, etc.

6- House Sitting- Consider Varying Accommodation Options

Who said you cannot reduce your living costs while enjoying another culture? Depending on the country, you may come across people in search of reliable house sitters. By taking such a job, you will be in a position to comfortably work remotely while exploring the world and have a free place to stay.

This is an excellent alternative that many people do not consider when looking to work and travel and see what the world has to offer. By taking a house sitting job, you get an ideal base and all the conveniences of a home. Also, you get to explore your destination in more detail as you stay longer in one place before heading to the next region.

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