Round the World Magazine

What Does a Life Coach Do?

With the ever growing boundless success of the technological evolution, the communicative platforms that have emerged have opened up a world of opportunity for all of us. Whatever opinions are carried with it, whether positive, neutral or negative, we do indeed have access to a lot more than we did several decades prior.

best online life coach directory
Image Credit: Pixabay

Online counselling is one of them. Talking to an online life coach is now as easy as a quick click on a search engine. Most life coaches believe that coaching online or over the phone is just as effective as coaching in person, as this type of coaching is better suited for those who have busy schedules. Life coaches are increasing and offer a wider service than conventional therapy.

With the increase in global communication, collaboration and assistance, everything is possible and for those struggling or wishing to steer a newer life path, help is literally just a click away.

Finding someone to help with emotional, mental and physical support is now easier than ever. No more long waiting lists or expensive invoices at the end of each session, we really are a becoming a collective as we weave supportive and inspiring threads across a binary abyss.

Having used a life coach ourselves, we are forever grateful for the world’s healers and their digitally open doors.
We wanted to know more about Life Coach services and what it is like to be the smiling face sitting behind the web cam helping people from every corner of the world.

We managed to grab an interview with Beth from to find out more.

Tell us a little more about you, Beth and what you offer with ‘Beth Your Coach’…

Hey guys. Thank you for having me. I’m Beth, a Therapeutic Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Teacher & Soul Healer. This means I support people from all walks of life, helping them dissolve their problems, heal past trauma and re-discover who they really are.

Beth Hutchinson of

I’m from the UK originally but have been traveling the world (like yourselves) since 2013. As my background is in Teaching English a Second Language, it took me to Thailand, Spain and The Middle East.

Currently living in the UAE, I coach 121 sessions (mostly online) with clients from across the globe.

Why did you become a Life Coach?

From the age of 15, I battled with anxiety, depression and a handful of related health issues. At the time I believed that these obstacles had the power to stop me from doing many things in my life.

This defeatist mindset became detrimental to my relationships, my work, and above all my mental and physical well-being. The grip of anxiety on my life was so strong, that it took me weeks, even months, to snap out a slump.

I quickly came to terms with the harsh reality that my life was literally passing me by and I needed to make a change. And so, my search for more began.

I jumped from one support to the next and then suddenly found myself on a personal breakthrough experience which would also lead me to become a qualified life coach.

I had never intended to make it a career but after having had such a profound experience, I had to share it with the world. It is truly life changing.

What is the Difference Between Life Coaching and Other Therapies?

I have a secret. Most streams of life coaching, therapy, counselling, talk therapy etc. offer support creating space for people to feel heard, talking about their past and their current feelings.

This is a great start, and I often hear clients say they found a lot of benefits talking through their problems initially but then they reach a point where they feel stuck. They don’t know how to take steps moving forward.

Like others, I thought I had tried EVERYTHING: counselling, yoga retreats, reiki, meditation, NLP, therapy and other streams of life coaching.

Personally, something was missing. It wasn’t until I discovered this secret that I was able to take charge of my life and experience a complete personal breakthrough.

So, What’s Your Secret?

I invite you to follow me step-by-step…

Your thinking creates your emotional state. You cannot experience an emotion without a thought process behind it. Your emotions are a result of your thinking.

Furthermore, if you are in a non-resourceful emotional state such as “feeling stressed” or “feeling depressed”, then you will behave in a way that is reflective of that state. I mean, think about it.

Did you ever start singing and dancing in the middle of experiencing complete rage or anger? My guess is… NOPE!

Perhaps, you shouted, swore, had an argument, punched a wall or even got into a fight. What are the results of these actions? It is possible you fell out with someone, hurt yourself physically or even someone else: PROBLEM created.

It is simple. YOUR thoughts are what are creating the life you have, both positive and negative aspects. If you continue to keep thinking the same thoughts, then you experience the same emotional states again and again; therefore, you behave in the same way, creating the same problems… and will continue to do so for the rest of your life.

Why is that? Well, the thing about thoughts is that 95% of them are unconscious… meaning you are not aware of the thought processes you are running each day. These thought processes are deeply rooted unconscious programs that were created by you some time in the past.

SO, here is the secret…
If you want to change your life, heal past trauma leaving your problems behind you, you must go to the ROOT cause and change these programs… This is what I do in my 121 Personal Breakthrough Experience Program with my clients.

What can I expect from 121 coaching sessions?

As this is a unique personal experience, we will work around you and your needs. Essentially, I teach you some key concepts including the secret.

We will explore how your inner world works and apply these new learnings to encourage your change.

I would ask you to be fully trusting of the process, follow instructions, keep an open mind throughout and open up to the best of your ability in every session.

I’m with you the whole way.

Who would benefit from a Personal Breakthrough Experience?

Everyone. This is a therapeutic step-by-step process which is supportive of any life problem, for example:
• Heartbreak
• Stress and anxiety
• Low self-esteem
• Grief and loss
• Resilience
• Feeling lost and helpless

The list goes on.
As mentioned before, the secret in this program unlocks something from within. It may happen in session 1, 6 or 12 but it will happen and once it does, there is nothing in this life that can take it from you.

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Why work with you?

When I observe another person making a not so easy decision to change their life, investing in themselves, emotionally, physically, financially, and energetically, I am ALL in! I am fully invested in you as a person, in your journey, breakthrough and success in this life.

How do I know I am ready?

Well, let me ask you this: If you do not go to the root cause, choosing to do nothing about your unconscious programming, continuing to think in the same way, feeling the same emotions every day, behaving the same…. what will be the consequences of that? I think it is fair to say that without change, things will only get worse.

Alternatively, imagine a life where you are no longer a victim of any circumstance, but instead empowered, connected to yourself in a way that allows you to change your unconscious programming, experience positive emotions and as a result create an amazingly fulfilling life.

Problems gone.

So, you are ready now, aren’t you? ?

What services do you offer through BethYourCoach?

You can find them all on my website on the list of Services and Packages, and these include:
-121 Full Personal Breakthrough Experience
-121 Personalized Grief Recovery Breakthrough
-Grief Recovery Blueprint Online Course

How can someone get in touch with you?

WhatsApp: +971 569147827
FB / Insta: bethyourcoach

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