Round the World Magazine

The World’s Most Unusual Types of Transportation

Unusual Types of Transportation (1)

The World’s Most Unusual Types of Transportation

Transportation has been evolving ever since the ancient years of civilization. At the very best of it, man would walk to almost any place they wanted to go to and if it involved crossing water bodies, then there were very rudimentary options which sufficed by then. But after hundreds of years of civilization, as well as advancement in science and technology, the transportation industry is one such area man has perfected, with very fast and efficient options that can literally see you have your breakfast, lunch, and dinner in three different continents in the same day. 

However, some of the rudimentary approaches are still being used in some parts of the world, and if you will be going for passport renewal services for a chance to traverse the world, then you may come face to face with some of them. Here is a brief look at some of the bizarre transportation methods that you wouldn’t think are still in use today-:

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The Underground Funicular in Turkey

Back in the days, cable railways were seen as some of the most advanced forms of transportation and during its days, the Underground Funicular in Turkey was such a marvel. This cable railway transportation system happens to be one of the oldest types of passenger transportation options and it has existed in different shapes or forms in various parts of the world.

It features a cable railway system which comprises cables that suspends a pair of vehicles and it is used for transportation between mountain tops and slopes. However, what you find in Istanbul, Turkey, is an underground version of the cable railway system which ferries passengers to destinations of slightly more than a kilometer.

Cyclos in Vietnam

If you are going for passport renewal services for a tour of Vietnam, then you will come face to face with cyclos, which are nothing but tricycle taxies preferred by most tourists for exploring most parts of the country. They are not just preferred by tourists, but locals also find them very convenient for commuting, especially when they have to beat heavy traffic jams. Additionally, they are environmentally friendly compared to cars, and they don’t require a lot in terms of maintenance. Cyclos were popular in the mid-eastern Asian countries, but their population has since declined, around the urban areas, but don’t be surprised to encounter them in some of the places you will be visiting. 

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Chicken Bus in Central America

Chicken buses are very common in Central American countries, and before you scream your lungs out at how a bus can be dedicated to the transportation of chicken, they are actually not used for primarily transporting chicken. They are the basic form of public transportation in Latin and the name is derived from the fact that sometimes, live animals such as chicken are usually brought on board by the travelers. In most cases, the buses are always crowded, and they are what most locals use for moving from one village to another. If you will be traveling to Guatemala or Panama, expect to see a lot of these, especially if you are interested in touring deep into the villages.

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Bamboo Train in Cambodia

Also known as the Norry, the Bamboo Train is a bizarre transportation method you will only find in Cambodia. You can refer to it as an improved version of a rail vehicle and it has the ability to reach up to 50mk/h. You will find it mainly in the capital city of Battambang and Poipet and unless you have the guts, this is a transportation system you will be hesitant to try out. 

This is because all there is to it is a platform where you sit fully exposed, with no cabins or window to protect you from the elements of weather. Though you will be treated to magnificent views as you cruise along the rails, the ride can sometimes be very bumpy and uncomfortable due to the ill-maintained railway trucks. Unfortunately, it is considered as the most efficient means of transportation in these areas and sometimes the fares will hike during the peak hours. 

The Long Tail Boats in Thailand

Thailand was the origin of the long tail boats you see in different parts of the world, and even though they are no longer in use in most places, they are still very much in use in Thailand. They are nothing but a type of watercraft that has been fitted with an engine at the tail end, and their primary application in Thailand was to transport travelers along the canals in Bangkok. However, most of the canals have since been replaced by modern roads, but you can still catch a glimpse of them in certain parts of the city, where you can also take a ride on them just for the feel of it. 

Image Credit: Pixabay

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