
5 Ways to Feel More Relaxed While Traveling

Have you ever gotten back from a long, fun-filled trip and you think to yourself, “I need a vacation from my vacation”?

Most of us think of traveling as a way to get away from the routine of daily living. For some people, traveling is about new experiences, adventures, and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. For others, going on a vacation or holiday is about relaxation and laying on sandy beaches.

best ways to relax while traveling
Image Credit: Pixabay

But, even if your goal of a trip is to relax or do something you enjoy, the entire experience of traveling can often be hectic or overwhelming. In fact, a staggering 89% of people think traveling is stressful. That stress stems from all of the planning involved, money spent, and even the fear of missing out when it comes to certain sights, events, and experiences.

That doesn’t mean travel isn’t enjoyable. After all, millions of people still travel the world each year for their own enjoyment! But, underneath that enjoyment can often be a lot of stress.

So, how can you really, truly feel more relaxed while traveling? How will you be able to come back home fully rested and reflect on an incredible travel experience?

Let’s take a look at five tips you can use to cure your travel stress, and have a more enjoyable, calm trip the next time you step on a plane.

1. Unplug and Disconnect

We live in a world of instant gratification, and much of that has to do with the devices we carry in our hands on a daily basis. Take a walk around an airport and pay attention to what you see. Count how many people using their phones you notice. Additionally, pay attention to people using their laptops or tablets.

top ways to relax while traveling
Image Credit: Pixabay

Chances are, by one trip around an entire terminal, you’ll lose track of just how many people waiting for their flights are engrossed in their devices.

And, there isn’t anything wrong with that. Over 5 billion people across the globe have smartphones, so of course, you’re going to see them getting used wherever you go.

But, if you’re trying to take a trip to relax and completely unwind, you might want to consider either leaving your electronic devices at home or using them as sparingly as possible.

It’s understandable to want to bring your phone with you in case of an emergency. But, try to avoid the temptation to look at it all the time.

That includes not taking pictures of everything you see or sharing everything on social media. Instead, focus on being mindful of every moment of your trip.

Stay in the present moment and appreciate the things you’re seeing and experiencing. After all, a trip that is meant to keep you relaxed should be about you, not anyone else.

There are added benefits to limiting your time with technology. It may give you more energy and even help you sleep better, especially if you typically struggle with insomnia.

2. Don’t Overbook Your Trip

If you don’t travel frequently, you might be tempted to try to fill your itinerary with as many things as possible. That’s especially true if you’re going somewhere unique, or to a place you’ve had on your “must-see” list for quite some time.

tips to relax while traveling dont overbook
Image Credit: Pixabay

But, filling your schedule each day with event after event can cause you to burn out quickly. You might constantly feel like you’re running from place to place, worrying that you’re going to miss something or be late for something.

Make sure you have at least some days where there is little to nothing on your schedule. Instead, let the day happen as it may. Sleep in, eat a leisurely breakfast, and go for a walk to find something to do or see. Chat with locals, find out what they do for fun, etc.

While planning some fun things is important for a trip, those items shouldn’t completely take over everything, or you might end up coming home even more exhausted than when you left.

3. Travel With the Right People

Some people just don’t like to travel alone, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But, when you travel with others you have to keep in mind that everyone has their own ideas and opinions about what is “fun” and what you should do.

If you want to go on a trip to relax and unwind, it’s important to go with travel companions who want the same things. For example, if your idea of relaxation involves resting on a beach somewhere, you may not want to go with children who are interested in surfing, snorkeling, and parasailing.

travel relaxation tips
Image Credit: Pixabay

Instead, choose a travel partner who wants to spend their time doing the same things as you. Or, someone who is happy to venture off on their own from time to time and offer you whatever alone time you might need. When you travel with likeminded travelers, there is less tension, less confusion, and much less stress.

4. Pack Your Personal Items Correctly

The way you pack can actually have an impact on your stress levels throughout your trip. If you want to stuff as many things as possible into your checked bag, that’s fine. What’s more important is what goes into your carry-on bag.

travel with less stress pack properly
Image Credit: Pixabay

Think about anything you might want to have within your reach while you’re traveling. That includes, especially, things you might need while you’re in the airport or on the plane. Some things that should absolutely be included in your carry-on bag are:

– Electronics and chargers (if you choose to bring them)
– A snack
– A clear plastic bag
– A notebook/journal
– Different forms of ID
– A clean t-shirt or change of clothing

It’s also a good idea to have any medications, vitamins, or other toiletry items that you may need to use if you’re on a long flight or traveling overnight.

Items like glasses and sunglasses should also be within your grasp at any time. If you don’t have a good pair of sunglasses for your trip, it’s worth the investment! Check out for a wide variety of frames and options.

5. Take a Staycation

You don’t need to leave the country, your state, or even your own community to have a relaxing vacation. If you’re stressed about money, itineraries, or filling your schedule with too many things, consider taking a staycation instead.

staycation tips to travel with less stress
Image Credit: Pixabay

By staying in your own community, you can get some actual, quality relaxation in. Don’t think about work or other responsibilities. Instead, do the things that you want to do from the comfort of your own home.

If gardening helps to calm you down, spend as much time in the dirt as possible. If you’ve been dying to read a book by your favorite author, make a cup of tea and enjoy chapter after chapter on the sofa.

You could also get out and do things you enjoy, whether it’s going to see a movie, eating at your favorite local restaurant, or simply taking a walk around your neighborhood.

A staycation can take some of the “pressure” off of having to travel. Sleep in, eat your favorite foods, do your favorite things, and let anyone who lives with you know that even though you may be home, you’re still on vacation, so they can respect the time you need to relax.

Traveling doesn’t have to be stressful, no matter where you’re going or what you want to do. Everyone enjoys different aspects of traveling, so focus on the parts that you love and try to find ways to reduce your stress over the things you don’t particularly like.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can make your next travel experience easier, so you can have a more relaxing trip and come home well-rested.

Round The World Magazine

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